One of my best skin care tips: there is no better exfoliator than coffee grounds. Seriously. If you drink coffee, you have no excuse not to use it. INSTRUCTIONS (save this post for later so you can always find it): 1. Let the freshly used coffee grounds dry on a tray for a day or so. (Spread them out as...

10 tips to fall
asleep quickly
5 best LGBTQ+ web comics
one tired dull morning
TOP 10 - the best animes
& cartoons on Netflix

The 5 best LGBTQ+ webcomics
Webcomics have long outgrown their niche and the sites Tapas and Webtoons dominate at least the market outside of Asia. [German version of this article] Webcomics are a special kind of serial publication of comics, optimized for the web or created especially for it. Usually, a new chapter of a series is published weekly. You scroll down, vertically. While anyone...

Propagate your Monstera | quick & easy steps
[Deutsche Version] Since my monstera has now grown over 3m/10 feet tall, it was time to shorten it and propagate it. It’s easier than you think – here’s how to do it: 1. Cut a branch as long as you want from your monstera, just below an aerial root and at least one leaf. The branch can contain 1-2,...

Ho do we stay positive these days? | #TheNewHumanity by Lavazza
Lavazza’s “The New Humanity” calendar has been launched and shows visions of a new way for humanity. If you’ve been reading the news lately (and by that I mean the last few months), you could really loose hope. Disasters, terror, coronavirus, the list seems endless. And I realize, every time I think of it: the world has not been in...

You want to know how to fall asleep faster? So do I. Honestly, for years I’ve had trouble sleeping. If you are not one of those who fall asleep after just 5 seconds in bed, these tips might help you to fall asleep a little faster and even sleep better. I focused on providing realistic tips that might improve your...

Laurel’s TOP 10 | The best Games for Nintendo Switch
As a casual gamer and someone who is always on the lookout for great new games, I know some of the best games for Nintendo Switch. This selection is of course purely personal, but I still think there’s something in it for everyone. Because the games are objectively of a high quality. Read what it’s about, whether it’s all about...

TOP 10 Anime series (on Netflix)
Fortunately, anime has arrived in the middle of the West and is increasingly known as adult entertainment – here are my top 10 anime series on Netflix. To make it clear right away – I also include “cartoons”, European or “western” anime. The order is a ranking, I like rank 1 more than rank 10, but as always – it’s...

Self-employed and stressed? OR How to STOP on your way to burnout
Me, being stressed? An idea I can only laugh at. At least until a few years ago, I could. Honestly, I was hardly ever stressed. On the contrary, the more I got involved in things, hobbies, the more inspired I was. I had so many hobbies at the same time, but I was still quite good at school and satisfied...

How to make an Instagram Puzzle Feed | Laurel Koeniger
A few weeks ago I started to get bored by my own feed. Don’t get me wrong- I love my style of photography but it got more and more annoying to form a “perfect” feed. I didn’t want to kill my pictures by applying a crazy strong preset that tones everything down. Soo, I kinda came up with something else:...

I’m a Traveller
My newest second hand outfit is an outfit for cooler spring days, a warm autumn, or mild summer evenings. It is the perfect outfit to be at the Danube Canal, for walks through the 1st district of Vienna, or for the café in the afternoon with a fellow student or the date in the evening with your partner. The elegant...