Category: Lifestyle

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Propagate your Monstera | quick & easy steps

Propagate your Monstera | quick & easy steps

[Deutsche Version] Since my monstera has now grown over 3m/10 feet tall, it was time to shorten it and propagate it. It’s easier than you think – here’s how to do it:   1. Cut a branch as long as you want from your monstera, just below an aerial root and at least one leaf....

TOP 10 Anime series (on Netflix)

TOP 10 Anime series (on Netflix)

Fortunately, anime has arrived in the middle of the West and is increasingly known as adult entertainment – here are my top 10 anime series on Netflix. To make it clear right away – I also include “cartoons”, European or “western” anime. The order is a ranking, I like rank 1 more than rank 10,...

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The Magic of Tidying | Simple, Effective 10 Steps

I'm a little messy, so what? The genius dominates the chaos! As true as this sentence is, as unfortunately is the fact that you have to think about other people too. People who are going to visit you. In addition, people usually feel better when things are arranged somehow, you can find everything immediately and you can have guests anytime.